Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Leo is 2 months

Today Leo turned 2 months old. He had an head ultrasound and vaccines today and tomorrow is another eye exam. He is up to 4lbs and 5oz and cute a heck.

I can't believe it has been two months. Really this time has flown by, but it seems like everyday it gets harder to remember a time when I didn't worry every second. I am posting an article in the NY Times about NICU parents. It is comforting to know that other parents feel the same way.


Friday, August 14, 2009

Correction & Update

The last blog Leo was 3lbs 3oz (posted today at 2pm)....Tonight Leo is 3lbs 8oz! Also, he will be 32 gestational weeks on Monday not 31. Steve and I can't believe how different he is since Monday. One of his nurses (Carol) passed me in the hall yesterday and high fived me! Everyone is happy for Leo. It must of been Grandpa Dave's visit and the promise of fishing! Leo is a miracle and we are so blessed to know him.

Mister Leo

Leo is getting to be a big guy! Chubby cheeks even! 3oz and 16.6 inches. This Saturday he will be 7 weeks old and 31 weeks gestational. This has been a great week for us! He was extabated on Monday and graduated to CPAP (oxygen with slight pressure). The apparatus is slightly cumbersome and annoys him, but he is breathing so well. I started back to work on Monday and have been trying to get into a routine. Grandpa Dave visited this past weekend and Leo got meet him. Steve and him had a great time fishing and drinking mass quantities of Harpoon IPA.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Paper & Baby Leo

Congratulations Steve on your first author paper!!

Mr. Leo is doing great and growing crazy! 2lbs 10 oz 15 inches! All of the nurses call him Steve's Mini Me. He is very spoiled and gets lots of love because of his cuteness.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day!

Steve isn't able to fish today due to rain, so instead he is busy painting the baby's room. The color looks much better in person!

Baby is now 6 months along! I am really popping out (especially in white!) and overall feeling great. Lots of shots and doctor's appointments, but all worth it. Just praying he stays in the oven and am thankful for everyday. In background of picture is the new patio set my parents got us!

Parents came out for a visit last weekend and saw the new house. This was the first time my dad has been out here to Massachusetts and it was great to see him.

Dizzy's boyfriend that we call Buster has been hunting birds and protecting our tomato plants.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Steve's Research Papers!

Steve has been doing great at work and I just wanted to post links to some of the journal articles he has helped publish. He recently had a journal paper accepted into Genesis! He is FIRST AUTHOR, which is a major accomplishment in the scientific community. I will post links to that paper too when it comes out.



Friday, June 5, 2009

Lion King Kitty

Diz was shaved and is a changed cat! She has been so nice since the cut and even snuggles with me (which makes Steve jealous)!

Baby is doing great! Kicking alot and we have lots of doctor's appointments to look forward to every week.
Reading good books and studying for final exam tomorrow (finally this class is over)! Books read so far: Dark Places by Gillian Flynn and Testimony by Anita Shreve, both are excellant.

Steve has the lawn looking great and we planted marigolds and sunflowers last weekend.

My parents are coming next weekend and bringing a crib and changing table that if a gift from my Aunt Pat (she had these at her house for her granddaughters)! . Thanks Aunt Pat!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Garden, Mulch, & Dizzy's New Boyfriend

Weekend was beautiful here in New England and we got alot of work done on the yard. Steve planted the garden, cleared the flower beds, and put mulch down (all 18 bags). I just planted a few flowers while sitting on my bum. It was nice to get outside and enjoy the yard (especially without other neighbors)!

Dizzy has a new orange boyfriend who likes to hunt birds in our backyard. He is a very friendly kitty and stops by to get Diz stirred up. She wants to go outside so bad! Baby is halfway there as of yesterday! He is starting to really kick especially at night. Marking the days off the calendar until he gets here!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

New House, Squaw RIP, Baby Boy, Surgery, & Bed Rest

Finally in the new place! Here are some pictures....it has been a work in progress on the unpacking front. Getting there. Steve has been doing alot of work in the yard and spending alot of time at Lowes.

Squaw dog passed away last Monday night. She was my bestest friend and with me for 13 years. It is strange without her here, but I know she is with BuckDawg in heaven killing woodchucks and running in the creek.

We found out that baby is a BOY! Steve could tell from the ultrasound "it is his super power" according to the doctor. Can't wait to meet this little guy. I have been buying him presents and clothes with lots of animals.

Last Thursday I had a ultrasound appt and the doctors told me to get my butt down to Boston to B&W to have emergency cerclage surgery. I stayed over night in the hospital and had the surgery on Friday afternoon. It was scarey, but we are in the best area for prenatal specialist so I felt in good hands. I have been on bedrest for a week and going CRAZY! I am not used to being a slug, but hopefully next Tuesday I can go back to work. Steve has been great through all of this and I am glad to have him here!

Friday, May 1, 2009

New House

Finally we are homeowners! It does not seem real yet, but we signed alot of legal papers this afternoon. It must be real! Brother is here helping move and drinking IPA with husband. Will post pictures soon.